Our vision, aims & values


Our Vision for Canberra City Farm and our region is a community living in harmony with the environment. To do this we need to live differently and to work out how to change together. Some strategies which we are using and trying out on the Farm to achieve this include:

  • Refuse – what we don’t need
  • Rethink – ways of doing things which produce waste
  • Reduce – the acquistion and use of new things
  • Reuse – something that could be waste for another purpose
  • Repair – things to increase their usefulness
  • Recycle – where products cannot be reused or repaired

With climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic, our world is changing even more quickly and we need to adapt with it. This ability to adapt is often called “resilience”. Through resilience, we can creatively respond to emerging challenges and still thrive. To do this, we often need different ideas, skills and demonstrations. For example, to fulfill our basic needs like food in sustainable and environmentally sensitive ways, some of these ideas, skills and demonstrations we are working on and teaching at Canberra City Farm include:

  • how to grow food in regenerative ways that enhance the health of the soil
  • what foods can be sustainably produced in our local area
  • how to produce food within environmental limits eg water, temperature
  • ways to cook and preserve food that is in season and abundant

Our Aims

Our Aims for Canberra City Farm are that it be a viable, ecologically sustainable, beautiful and accessible place:

  • that shows organic agriculture and sustainable living does work and can productively feed the community
  • where people are inspired to come together to share ideas, learn by doing and apply these ideas and learnings
  • that provides a low risk enterprise incubation site to transition from backyard to commercial scale
  • that motivates people to live a more sustainable and regenerative lifestyle every day.

Our Values

The Canberra City Farm Constitution sets out the following values which we seek to reflect in how we act toward each other and people we work with and relate to.

  • Integrity
  • Diversity
  • Respect
  • Fairness
  • Sharing + Community
  • Ecological and societal sustainability
  • Intergenerational equity
  • Transparency + open communication
  • Collaboration + inclusiveness
  • Healthy food for all
  • Food sovereignty