You can find education events here. Education sessions in 2024 will be face to face. We still have the option to run a mix of both online Zoom sessions and face to face sessions if necessary.

The Plant Clinics are held at the Sunday Working bees, 10:00 am to Noon. If you have been having problems trying to identify pests and diseases which are affecting your garden plants and you don’t know how to deal with them, then a visit to the plant clinic may help. If your plants are not thriving in your soil, perhaps you need some advice on how to make you soil more plant friendly. All gardening questions are welcome. Keith Colls will be happy to answer any of your gardening questions. PLEASE NOTE, if you are bringing diseased plant material or pest insects from home please ensure they are in a sealed plastic bag or glass bottle so they do not contaminate the City Farm gardens.
Introductory gardening sessions. These sessions are designed for beginner gardeners and for Allotment holders just starting out in their allotment. They are a mixture of online and face to face sessions. These aim to be held every month. When these courses have been finalised more details and calendar of courses will be available by clicking here.
Advanced gardening sessions. These sessions are for those who are not new to gardening but who want to know more such as our Grafting Workshop.
Sustainable Living Workshops. These sessions cover topics related to preserving the harvest such as bottling and drying, making jam and/or chutney, pressing grapes, depending on the Farm’s produce as well as topics related to reducing your food footprint.
Other Topics. From time to time there will also be guest speakers at the City Farm as well as question and answer sessions with experts on various topics.
More details on all these educational activities will be posted on the website as soon as they become available. If you have any subjects or activities you would like the education program to cover, please email your suggestions to