
If you wish to become a member, please fill in this form, press send then make your membership fee payment straight away. You will be advised by the Membership Secretary when your membership has been approved by the CCF Committee. Pay direct to the new CCF Bendigo Bank Account. Account name : Canberra City Farm Operating Account. BSB 633 000 Account No 179 200 175. Reference: MBS and Surname. If your bank doesn’t allow this identification, please send an email to us so we know you have paid or tell us in the comments below.

You can find our Members Handbook here

In compliance with the CCF Constitution, your membership will come into effect following approval by the CCF Committee after receipt of this membership form and payment of the appropriate fee. Membership fees are for a Financial Year. Fees should be paid direct to Bendigo Bank, Canberra City Farm Operating Account – BSB 633 000 – Acc No. 179 200 175. Reference: MBS and Surname. If your bank does not allow this identification please email payment details to or provide details in the Comments box below.