Seedlings for sale

Summer/Autumn 2024/2025 Season

Our seedlings are sold through the Open Food Network Shop on-line at This gives you details of what is available each week, the sizes and prices (this can vary depending upon whether you are a member).

The seedlings can be paid for in the Open Food Network Shop using a credit card via Stripe. You can let us know on your order which day you want to pick them up from the Farm – currently Tuesday or Thursday afternoon between 4.00-6.00pm or Monday between 10-12pm. You must order and pay on-line at the Open Food Network Shop BEFORE you pick up any seedlings.

If you choose the Monday pickup, either go with your proof of purchase to the Propagation area at Canberra City Farm (near the toilet block) or ask for Beth or Deb.

If you choose to collect on Tuesday or Thursday, take your paid order form to the Southern Harvest area at the Farm and they will provide you with your seedlings. Enter by car through the Rangers’ Wetland Entrance.

If you are a Southern Harvest Subscriber you can also order your Canberra City Farm seedlings through the Southern Harvest store for delivery with your box.

QR Code to access the Canberra City Farm Open Food Network Shop.